Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

^^ Ebook Free Le Morte d'Arthur, by Sir Thomas Malory

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Le Morte d'Arthur, by Sir Thomas Malory

Le Morte d'Arthur, by Sir Thomas Malory

Le Morte d'Arthur, by Sir Thomas Malory

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Le Morte d'Arthur, by Sir Thomas Malory

Book I: “From the Marriage of King Uther unto King Arthur that Reigned After Him and Did Many Battles” (Caxton I–IV)
Book II: “The Noble Tale Between King Arthur and Lucius the Emperor of Rome” (Caxton V)
Book III: “The Noble Tale of Sir Launcelot Du Lac” (Caxton VI)
Book IV: “The Tale of Sir Gareth of Orkney” (Caxton VII)
Book V: “The First and the Second Book of Sir Tristrams de Lione” (Caxton VIII–XII)
Book VI: “The Noble Tale of the Sangreal” (Caxton XIII–XVII)
Book VII: “Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere” (Caxton XVIII–XIX)
Book VIII: “The Death of Arthur” (Caxton XX–XXI)

  • Sales Rank: #2100420 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-02-27
  • Released on: 2015-02-27
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"....a beautifully illustrated edition....Anna-Marie Ferguson's pictures convey the mythic element superbly" -- Daily Express, London Newspaper, September 9, 2000

Language Notes
Text: English (translation)

From the Author
There has been humour, heartbreak, and breathtaking visions, and the continuous excitement of trying to capture the beauty of Malory's scenes in watercolour. In the quietest moments, I liked to imagine ghosts roosting in my studio - from distant figures who may have existed and inspired the legend, to the storytellers, artists, and their creations that have served it. There are rewards in such good company and I feel most privileged to have contributed to a tradition so close to my heart, and served a world of such beauty.....beauty with a serrated edge. Anna Marie Ferguson

Most helpful customer reviews

112 of 113 people found the following review helpful.
A new definitive edition.
By Jim Allan
The Norton Critical Edition of Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur edited by Stephen H. A. Shepherd partly replaces Eugène Vinaver's The Works of Sir Thomas Malory and is in many ways a better effort.

This edition stands somewhere between a scholarly, critical edition and a popular edition. It is based mainly on the Winchester manucript with emendations and additions from Caxton's 14th century printed version. Abbreviations are expanded, major (but not minor) corrections of the text are noted, the obsolete characters thorn and yogh are replaced by modern letters, use of u and v, i and j follow modern usage. and word division, punctuation, and capitalization also edited to follow modern conventions, including use of quotation marks.

But otherwise spelling is not modernized, large capitals in the manuscript are indicated in the printed text by lombardic capitals of approximately the same relative size, paragraphing is mostly followed exactly (with even the // paragraph break marks being rendered by indentation followed by the symbol ¶) and further paragraphing without ¶ where other punctuation or capitalization anomalies indicate sectioning. Vinaver's edition became, eventually, notorious for ignoring the divisions given within the manuscript itself, an especially unfortunate defect since Vinaver's theories about Malory's composition supposedly depended on paying especially close attention to such matters.

In the mansucript, rubricating (that is, red lettering) was employed in scribing almost all personal names as well as on some other names and in marginal notes and is here represented by a black-letter font. One quickly becomes used to this odd convention which actually eases and clarifies reading to the point that one wonders why something like it should not be universally adopted.

And, most pleasantly for a modern book, the notes appear as true footnotes, not endnotes, which means no constant turning of pages.

The text itself is followed by over 200 pages of related source material and reprinted essays, followed by a glossary, a selected guide to proper names, and a bibliography, but, rather oddly, no index.

For any general reader willing to encounter fifteenth century spelling on its own terms and to delight in it, this is probably the best edition to own and use, one which brings the user closer to the Winchester manuscript than any previous edition.

As to the tale itself, Malory himself sometimes seems bored and unitenested in his material, especially in the massive maze of subsidiary episodes that make up his Tristram material. But at his best there is no writer in English who campares with him. Readers having difficulty with the early sections of any edition of Malory's Le Morte Darthur might try jumping to "The Tale of Sir Launcelot and Quene Gwenyvere" (Book XVIII in Caxton's edition) and start at that point, where a mature Malory in control of this story tells it better than anyone before or after.

70 of 70 people found the following review helpful.
Ian Myles Slater on: A Worthwhile Edition (Well, Perhaps Not For All Readers)
By Ian M. Slater
A reviewer can propose, but only Amazon disposes.

Way back in 2004, I was unable to review the then-new Norton Critical Edition of "Le Morte Darthur" (Winchester MS version -- see below) because I had already posted a review of the Penguin English Library/Penguin Classics edition (Caxton's text).

In the end, I wound up discussing Shepherd's treatment in a review of the Oxford Standard Authors edition, edited by Eugene Vinaver under the idiosyncratic title of "Malory: Complete Works."

Now that the NCE (Norton Critical Edition) has its own page, I've decided to slightly modify that combined review, and post it where I originally wanted it to go.

This is mainly a review of two old-spelling complete editions of the work commonly known as "Le Morte D'Arthur" (Anglo-Norman French for "The Death of [King] Arthur}), both available in paperback. The language they are in can be called either very late Middle English, or very early Modern English; other, easier-to-read, editions will also be mentioned below.

For those who are already familiar with the "Morte" from modernized-spelling popular editions, and the existence of two sources for a "definitive" text, and are looking for a more scholarly, but affordable, edition, here is the short view of the situation:

The sole choice used to be Eugene Vinaver's "Malory: Complete Works," in the Oxford Standard Authors series (from Oxford University Press; the title will be explained shortly). Available since 1971, it is in (rather small) plain type, with no special features on the page except some marginal notations, and the occasional footnote.

S.H.A. Shepherd's Norton Critical Edition, from 2004, with the cover title of "Le Morte Darthur," has a text with a striking visual difference from the usual modern book; following the lead of the manuscript, proper names appear in a bold "black letter" font (instead of red ink -- see below). This may be intimidating at first glance, and some may hastily conclude it is too difficult to read. However, one can adjust quite quickly and I have found the basic text, in Fairfield Modern, easier on the eyes than the Oxford version. (I would have welcomed it a couple of decades ago, when I was reading the Oxford edition cover-to-cover while waiting around on jury duty.)

The following is aimed partly at those unfamiliar with the situation -- my apologies to those who find themselves plowing through the obvious.

Until a mis-catalogued fifteenth-century manuscript in a safe at Winchester College was finally recognized in 1934 as Sir Thomas Malory's account of King Arthur and his knights, the only authoritative text of this now-famous work was that found in the two surviving copies of William Caxton's 1485 printing. Unhappily, its first and last pages are missing, so Caxton remains the source for those passages. (The standard exact, or "diplomatic," text of Caxton's Malory was edited by H. Oskar Sommer, 1889-1891. There is a recent critical text, edited by James Spisak, 1983, and a facsimile edition, edited by Paul Needham, 1976.) There are thousands of minor differences, and a few very large ones.

Caxton had divided the text into twenty-one books, with numbered and (usually) titled chapters, and called the whole "Le Morte D'Arthur" -- "Notwithstanding that it treateth of the birth, life, and acts of the said King Arthur, of his noble knights of the Round Table, their marvelous enquests and adventures, the achieving of the Sangrail, and in the end the dolorous death and departing out of this world of them all" (Caxton's Colophon). He had also dramatically abridged one long section (his Book Five), and seems to have made some changes of his own in wording, at times softening Malory's aristocratic bluntness.

When Eugene Vinaver edited the Winchester Manuscript for the Oxford English Texts series, he gave the three-volume set (with critical notes, glossary, etc.) the title of "The Works of Sir Thomas Malory" (1947; revised edition, 1967; third edition, re-edited by P.J.C. Field, 1990).

In Vinaver's eyes, the manuscript revealed that Malory had produced only a very loosely connected set of narratives, distinct "WORKS" to which he, as editor, gave his own titles (which are now in current use, despite the lack of any other authority for some).

The idea that it was a single, continuous, narrative was, in this view, Caxton's; hence the many inconsistencies, such as dead villains showing up alive and still wicked after a few "books." This reversed the view of others who, noting the lack of unity in other publications by Caxton, had attributed the difference entirely to Malory.

This decision has given rise to a long critical controversy; Malory was, in Caxton's term, "reducing" some disparate French texts into English, and may have just missed some discrepancies, as he tried to produce a reasonably unified "whole book". It has also created a certain amount of bibliographic confusion.

Keith Baines' "Rendition in Modern English" of Vinaver's edition (1962; a rewriting, covering every incident, but mostly sacrificing the language) is carefully called "Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur: King Arthur and the Legends of the Round Table," as if to emphasize that Caxton's "interference" is being removed, without sacrificing reader recognition (and sales). Vinaver's later Oxford Standard Authors one-volume original-spelling text edition (1971), however, is "Malory: Complete Works."

Vinaver also edited for Oxford University Press a modernized-spelling "King Arthur and His Knights: Selected Tales by Sir Thomas Malory" (1956, 1968, 1975), which maintained the same premise. John Steinbeck, a great admirer of Malory, was delighted by Vinaver's edition, and referenced the Winchester Manuscript in the subtitle of his unfinished "Acts of King Arthur ...," avoiding the "Morte" designation. (This is in fact an Arthurian novel by Steinbeck, incorporating chunks of source material, *not* a modernization.) Thus far, there is a certain amount of consistency.

However, a more recent Oxford edition, Helen Cooper's modernized spelling edition of the Winchester text for The Oxford World's Classics (1998; abridged, unfortunately; otherwise excellent), is instead titled "Le Morte D'Arthur." So, too, is the medievalist R.M. Lumiansky's much more extensively modernized 1982 complete version of the Winchester text. (Almost a translation, and thus an implied commentary on the text; but not to be confused with Lumiansky's projected, and unpublished, critical edition, almost complete at the time of his death in 1987. But is quite impressive, and I can understand anyone who thinks I am too critical of it.)

The title of the facsimile edition for the Early English Text Society (N.R. Ker, 1976) "The Winchester Malory," avoided the issue, but the volume also helped renew the debate over Vinaver's theory by eliminating his editorial hand, revealing that some of the textual divisions were NOT Caxton's work, but that of either a scribe or the author.

Stephen H. A. Shepherd's Norton Critical Edition is "Le Morte DArthur" on the cover, but on the title page has the Caxton-derived subtitle of "The Hoole Book of Kyng Arthur and of His Noble Knyghtes of The Rounde Table." This title may well go back to Malory, or least to the manuscripts; it would have appeared on the missing final pages. Shepherd, indeed, gives considerably more weight to Caxton's evidence than had become customary. It has become clear, from printer's marks, that the Winchester Manuscript was in fact available to Caxton, and was still on hand when his successor, Wynkyn de Worde, reset the "Morte" in 1498, introducing some of its readings.

This fact suggests that Caxton was comparing at least two full-length manuscripts, and that some of his "innovations" may reflect Malory's intentions as much as any other scribal copy.

The one-volume Oxford "Malory: Complete Works" is a rather bare-bones edition (especially compared to its three-volume prototype), consisting almost entirely of a very lightly "normalized" text (abbreviations are silently expanded, but variant spellings are usually preserved, etc.), with some good textual notes and a glossary (about a hundred pages of "apparatus").

In the Norton Critical Edition, Shepherd offers the reader an extended Introduction, Chronologies, a text with explanatory footnotes, a large section of "Sources" (earlier and / or alternative versions of Arthurian stories, many translated by Shepherd) and "Backgrounds" (contemporary medieval documents and modern histories illustrating Malory's times) and "Criticism" (essays and book excerpts), followed by a thirty-two-page double-column Glossary, a "Selected Guide to Proper Names," and a Selected Bibliography. He has a helpful section on Malory's language, covering not only grammatical differences from Modern English, but how it was pronounced (with encouragement to try reading it aloud, noting that Malory seems to have been a dangerously glib speaker.)

(Originally, there was also a website for the book, accessible through W.W. Norton's main page; among other useful features, it reported printing errors, and later announced that the corrections of those identified had been made in the second printing.)

Shepherd's text itself includes more of Caxton's readings, which seem to reflect another manuscript with different errors; and *manuscript* is the crucial word. Unlike Vinaver, who attempted to reproduce what he regarded as Malory's intended structure (or non-structure), Shepherd aims to create the impression of reading a medieval manuscript, without the most difficult obstacles. Not only are original spellings preserved, he carefully includes marginal notes and other indicators of scribal practices. The two scribes of the Winchester Manuscript carefully (but not completely consistently) wrote names, and some passages, in red ink ("rubrications"). Shepherd does not ask the printer for two colors, but follows the practice of "Scribe A" in using a more ornate script for the rubrics, substituting a black-letter font [Cloister Black], so these words stand out; in some cases, following the scribes' use of larger lettering, they are printed in an extra-bold face.

Shepherd has some sensible solutions -- not identical to Vinaver's -- to such problems as character variation ('u' and 'v' and 'i' and 'j' had yet to settle into their modern restrictions, for example), erratic word divisions, and punctuating sentences whose beginning and / or end is not clearly marked. [The review by Jim Allan elegantly summarizes Shepherd's approach to these and other problems.]

This does not make for easier reading; it does reproduce, as nearly as possible in a printed book, and with modern typefaces, the experience of reading a medieval book -- which is the point of the exercise. As someone who once pored over the facsimile of the Winchester Manuscript without being able to make out much from the fifteenth-century handwriting, I love it. And it is not Shepherd's eccentric decision. It is part of a renewed appreciation for the medieval book as a physical artifact, not a sort of nuisance to be made transparent by modern typography.

However, with their 'olde spellynges' and other peculiarities, neither the Oxford Standard Authors version nor the Norton Critical Edition is suitable for all readers. Although Lumiansky's version comes close, there is still a need for a *complete* "normalized" edition based on the Winchester text, only very lightly modernized as to spelling, and faithfully preserving the original words and sentence structures.

[Note, February 2015: There is a new critical edition of Malory, edited by P.J.C. Field, published in two volumes by D.S. Brewer, as volume 80 in the "Arthurian Studies" series ("Sir Thomas Malory: Le Morte Darthur," Cambridge, 2013). It is based on both the Caxton and Winchester texts, and attempts to arrive at a state of the text closer to Malory's own than either example. This (expensive) edition has been reviewed by Kenneth Hodges for the on-line "The Medieval Review" (The Medieval Review 15.02.03)]

[Addendum, December 2015: There is now a dual-text edition of the Caxton and Winchester editions available for Kindle: “Complete Works of Sir Thomas Malory,” from Delphi Classics (Series Five Book 1). I’ve reviewed it: in brief, it consists of Pollard’s 1903 modernized text of the Caxton edition, with his glossary (but not his character index), and, from an unspecified source, an old-spelling edition of the Winchester Manuscript. I have noticed that the latter has errors on the order of “Qur” for “our,” but does’t seem, on first inspection, to be *too* badly corrupted. (I may be wrong about this….)

[The Delphi edition is an inexpensive way for anyone interested in the “Morte D’Arthur” to get a good look at both versions. Unfortunately, while the Pollard text has hyperlinks to Caxton’s book and chapter divisions, there is no equivalent for the longer Winchester Manuscript, nor is there any cross-referencing between matching passages. For the Winchester text, at least, the intrigued reader may well then decide to try the Norton Critical Edition, Vinaver’s “Malory: Complete Works,” or the solid, but abridged, version edited by Helen Cooper for the Oxford World’s Classics series, as “Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript.”]

[Addendum, December 9, 2015: Vinaver’s approach to the unity of the "Morte" is now taken for granted by some. On December 7, 2015, BBC Culture, in explaining the basis of a list of “the 100 greatest British novels,” specifically classed “Morte D’Arthur” as a short story collection. Leaving aside the different question of whether Medieval romances meet one’s definition of “a novel,” many of the eight “Tales” into which Vinaver divided the text are more like short — or longer — novels than they are like short stories. In the Norton Critical Edition, “The Tale of Sir Tristams de Lyones” runs to over 250 pages — and does not contain the full story, at that. (Of course, it too can be broken down into shorter "tales" as the focus of the narrative shifts.)]

140 of 157 people found the following review helpful.
Outstanding New Edition of Malory's Work
By Marc Ruby™
"Le Morte D'Arthur" comes at a turning point in English literature. It is both a summation of the courtly legend and lore of the Medieval world and indicator of literary times to come. Not quite a novel, not quite a collection of tales, not quite an exemplar of etiquette and ethics, it was still one of the great creative accomplishments of the 15th century. Countless generations of writers, poets and artists and felt its influence.
Unfortunately, my memories of Malory's work are tainted by my memories of the difficulties of reading the book. In college I was sentenced to reading small paperback editions with tiny, cramped print. It was never possible to settle into the task for more than a short time without feeling a headache coming on. As a result my impression of the book was that it was both interesting and impenetrable. It was with great relief that I went on to other classes and texts.
Lately, I found I needed a copy of `Le Morte D'Arthur" again, and in reviewing the available editions discovered this new edition, edited by John Matthews and illustrated by Anna-Marie Ferguson. When it arrived, I was amazed and delighted.
Academically the edition is much as one would expect. It is basically a reprint of a Medici Society version of the Caxton original. Matthews has corrected some spelling problems. He has also silently interpolated some snippets of the manuscript version (some 20 total) where these make the narrative clearer. It is unfortunate that he did not document these additions to prevent scholastic confusion, but he did not wish to break up the narrative with footnotes. I have found several of the changes and they all make the sense better. There is a forward by fantasy writer Michael Moorcock, a very informative and readable introduction by Matthews, and a short piece on the illustrations by Anna-Marie Ferguson.
It is the physical presentation of this edition that makes it extraordinary. The book is quite thick, very well bound with a heavily coated slip cover. The paper is well made and heavy enough to prevent the print through that can hinder readability in books with dense printing. The type font is glorious. Large and simple enough to be easily readable. This makes it possible to easily pick out the sense and structure without having to squint at every word. I found the text more readable than some of the efforts at modernization I have encountered.
Finally, the illustrations. These are plentiful, 62 in all, half of them in color. Ferguson has a fine detailed style with both watercolor brush and pen. They have pleasant dreamlike quality that arises from her masterly use of light. These are not mere illustrations, rather, the artist has made them invitations to consider the world of King Arthur. In summary, this is a welcome new addition to the Malory canon, and one well worth owning.

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Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015

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Badass: Making Users Awesome, by Kathy Sierra

Note for ebook customers: The design and layout of this book play a key role in conveying the author's message. When creating the ebooks, we've tried to keep the look and feel of the print edition, but this means that not all e-reading devices will support the files. The EPUB format is optimized for iPad. The Mobi files are optimized for Kindle Fire tablets and phones and for Kindle reading apps.

Imagine you’re in a game with one objective: a bestselling product or service. The rules? No marketing budget, no PR stunts, and it must be sustainably successful. No short-term fads.

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And it begins with a single question: given competing products of equal pricing, promotion, and perceived quality, why does one outsell the others?

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Our goal is to craft a strategy for creating successful users. And that strategy is full of surprising, counter-intuitive, and astonishingly simple techniques that don’t depend on a massive marketing or development budget. Techniques typically overlooked by even the most well-funded, well-staffed product teams.

Every role is a key player in this game. Product development, engineering, marketing, user experience, support—everyone on the team. Even if that team is a start-up of one. Armed with a surprisingly overlooked science and a unique POV, we can can reduce the role of luck. We can build sustainably successful products and services that rely not on unethical persuasive marketing tricks but on helping our users have deeper, richer experiences. Not just in the moments while they’re using our product but, more importantly, in the moments when they aren’t.

  • Sales Rank: #89154 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-02-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .62" w x 6.00" l, .0 pounds
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  • 294 pages

"In BADASS: Making Users Awesome, Kathy Sierra -- one of our brightest business minds -- offers up a surprising insight into what makes certain offerings shine in a competitive marketplace. Believe it or not, many people don't care how awesome your product is. Instead, they care about how awesome they are when they use your product. If you can tap into that motivation, you've got gold. This books shows you how."-- Daniel H. Pink, author of To Sell is Human and DRIVE

"Every once in a while, someone comes along who sees the world more clearly, and helps you to do the same. Every time I read Kathy Sierra, or hear her speak, I feel smarter, more thoughtful, and more caring. She has that gift of making everyone around her better. But what's even more special, the "better" she helps you with is the ability to help other people get better! Genius!"-- Tim O'Reilly, Founder and CEO of O'Reilly Media

"Kathy Sierra wants you to understand this: If your users like themselves better when they use what you make, they'll recommend it with a fervor money simply cannot buy. No one gets this more clearly than Sierra, and "Badass" is her way of helping you get it too."-- Clay Shirky, author of Here Comes Everybody and Cognitive Surplus

"Your users will love you for reading this book and following Sierra's advice.""A smart, fast read on how to make great products." -- Scott Berkun, author of The Myths of Innovation and Confessions of A Public Speaker

About the Author
Kathy Sierra created the award-winning Head First series that has sold over 1 million copies, and includes the longest-running tech bestsellers of the past decade. Her background is in developing education games and software for the motion picture industry, and she also created the first interaction design courses for UCLA Entertainment Studies. For more than 15 years she's been helping large companies, small start-ups, non-profits, and educators rethink their approach to user experience, and build sustainable, genuine loyalty.

Most helpful customer reviews

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Engaging if maybe a bit *too* breezy
By Gordon Haff
It’s Kathy’s contention that a lot of the time companies don’t put enough focus on helping users advance the skills in the “compelling context” around their tool rather than just the tool itself. For example, a camera is a tool. Photography is the context. And, by helping users advance their photography skills and engaging with them around that context, companies can be more successful.

There’s science and examples to buttress Kathy’s points. Research on motivation from Stanford psychology professor Carol Dweck. Ski instruction techniques from Lito Tejeda-Flores. “Deliberate practice” to move skills to the Mastered (i.e. reliable/automatic) category. The acquisition of perceptual knowledge. The book is far from a textbook though. It has simple exercises, lots of graphics, and highly readable prose. (If you’re familiar with the O’Reilly Head First series of programming books, the style of this O’Reilly-published work is somewhat similar.)

The bottom line is that Badass is highly engaging and biased toward the practical. You can read the whole thing in a flight across about half the US. To the degree that I have a criticism, it’s the flip side of my praise. It’s perhaps a bit too breezy a read. Some more examples using a wider variety of products might have better grounded the book in concrete specifics a bit better.

15 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
Not as Badass as the talks
By A reviewer from London
I stumbled on her 2012 talk by chance while looking up on Google about deliberate practice, and was absolutely blown over, and I decided I would have to revisit the stuff I was working on relating to deliberate practice from scratch.

I might add I am in a field that has nothing to do with apps, and I had never heard of Kathy Sierra before.

I then ordered the book, after looking at a preview on the O'Reilly site (not sure why you can't have a preview on Amazon).

I think its good, but it seems watered down from the talk, and her explanation of badass, is watered down and her use of Edge practice, which I thought was a good term has been taken out.

Frankly I was disappointed.

There is far more passion, and even some details in her talks

I would look at the three talks o the web stating with the 2012 one, then 2013, 2014 first before buying this book.


5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Everyone in the technology world should read this book.
By Fox Scarlett
Probably everyone in the world, period, should read this book. Do not be fooled by the author's apparently casual tone - it may be super easy to read, but this book is a pure shot of wisdom on a very deep level. Badass: Making Users Awesome functions as two books at the same time: while she is ostensibly showing you how to sell more (and offering some major insights just on that topic), she is concurrently sneaking in an equal amount of mind-blowing wisdom (backed by research) on how you yourself can become better at . You are literally getting two epiphanies for the price of one (two is a conservative estimate, this book is loaded with "OMG" moments). This is all grounded in well-established, well-researched, even classic, principles - there's nothing fuzzy about it. She just presents them in a way that cuts to the chase, gives you clarity, and wraps them all up with a bow.

If you need your serious & potentially life-changing topics written about in (a ton of) serious prose with lots of pretentious baggage, just get over it and pay attention to every very easy to digest word of this book. It's the real deal. This is one of those books you'll reread every year, give to all your friends, etc. It's a classic. I even compared it to The Art Of War the other night to a friend. Yes, really.

See all 40 customer reviews...

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Concepts of Programming Languages (11th Edition), by Robert W. Sebesta

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Concepts of Programming Languages (11th Edition), by Robert W. Sebesta

For courses in computer programming.


Evaluating the Fundamentals of Computer Programming Languages

Concepts of Computer Programming Languages introduces students to the fundamental concepts of computer programming languages and provides them with the tools necessary to evaluate contemporary and future languages. An in-depth discussion of programming language structures, such as syntax and lexical and syntactic analysis, also prepares readers to study compiler design.

The Eleventh Edition maintains an up-to-date discussion on the topic with the removal of outdated languages such as Ada and Fortran. The addition of relevant new topics and examples such as reflection and exception handling in Python and Ruby add to the currency of the text. Through a critical analysis of design issues of various program languages, Concepts of Computer Programming Languages teaches programmers the essential differences between computing with specific languages.

  • Sales Rank: #30239 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-02-16
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.20" h x 1.20" w x 7.70" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 792 pages

About the Author

Robert Sebesta is an Associate Professor Emeritus in the Computer Science Department at the University of Colorado–Colorado Springs. Professor Sebesta received a BS in applied mathematics from the University of Colorado in Boulder and MS and PhD degrees in computer science from Pennsylvania State University. He has taught computer science for more than 40 years. His professional interests are the design and evaluation of programming languages and Web programming.


Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great Book
By Eric Williams
This book covers from fundamental data types to advanced data types in a clear, concise manner.

1 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Its like trying to learn russian in a book written in ...
By Amazon Customer
This book was educational but intense. Its like trying to learn russian in a book written in chinese--when you are blind.

4 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Poor CS book
By Mark Twain
Lots of example have vague reference. Verbose and trivial explaining makes it a headache.

See all 6 customer reviews...

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Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

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The Picture of Dorian Gray (illustrated), by Oscar Wilde

The Picture of Dorian Gray, written by Oscar Wilde, tells the story of a handsome young man who is befriended by a painter, Basil Hallward, and becomes the inspiration for his work. The young man is also introduced to one of Basil's friends, the hedonistic aristocrat Lord Henry Wotton, who enthralls Dorian by sharing with him his philosophies and ideals about life, including his belief that youth is the most precious and important thing in the world.

When Dorian is given a painting of himself by Basil he is suddenly struck by his own beauty and with the words of Lord Henry still fresh in his ears he wishes that the painting would be the one to grow old while he retained his youth. He falls in love with a young actress, but when her life is tragically cut short he decides to follow Lord Henry's advice and spends the next several years in pursuit of every sordid pleasure he can find, inspired by a book which was given to him by his older friend. But while he remains young, his portrait, now hidden away from the world, collects the scars of every sin he commits.

The book was written in 1891 and was the only novel written by Wilde, it was originally serialized in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine but was considered morally indecent by the editors who censored several parts without consulting the author.

  • Sales Rank: #574496 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-02-11
  • Released on: 2015-02-11
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
An ending worth cheering about!
By Kiwi
The story of Dorian Gray alone is quite mesmerizing, intriguing, and fascinating. I enjoyed this story immensely even when the characters angered me. Slow, detailed suspense and mystery with an ending worth cheering about! Loved it! =)

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Android Programming In a Day!: The Power Guide for Beginners In Android App Programming, by Sam Key

Android Programming In a Day!: The Power Guide for Beginners In Android App Programming, by Sam Key

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Android Programming In a Day!: The Power Guide for Beginners In Android App Programming, by Sam Key

Android Programming In a Day Final Edition! The Power Guide for Beginners In Android App Programming Android

Always had a great idea for an app?

Don't think you could ever do one yourself and the cost is too much to put your idea to market!

Intimidated with all the technical jargon that comes with programming that is keeping you from developing an app?

You do not need to stay out of android programming anymore! This book is for anyone who wants and needs to learn to develop and Android App

Develop an app right from the start! Easy, fast and no technical jargon! Book is written for dummies!

  • Sales Rank: #321039 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-02-07
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .70" w x 6.00" l, .20 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 310 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

42 of 45 people found the following review helpful.
This book is very good. (and the simplest possible to learn).
By Amazon Customer
This book is good. Very good. I have an android tablet that I bought 5-6 months ago and although I know other programming languages, until now I had no idea of how to create an android application. So I bought this 5 bucks book and in less than 2 hours I read about half of it. And, big miracle, now I know about all about how to create an android application. It has inside everything you need to know if you never, ever had the slightest idea on how to program an Android application. Some reviews here say that there are typos, or that this book does not contain a single line of code. Nothing more false. I prefer to spend 5 bucks on a very good book of 45 pages from which I can easily learn (even if it has 5-7 typos in it) that give 20 bucks on a 200 pages book about android development that I will never read completely.
These 5 bucks for a 4-5 hour read that made me a good android developer are the best investment that I made in the last months.Thank you.

29 of 31 people found the following review helpful.
good book product
By Rose Manda
Great book for my studies. Covers all the basics for newbies. This book turned out to be an unexpectedly great introduction. I already knew a bit of Android Programming but this book added to my knowledge, specifically relating to using Visual Studio. It doesn't go into great depth but it certainly covers the basics well and provides some useful examples. If you want to dive straight in to Android Programming, this book is a great place to start. i got it in exchange for free for an honest Opinion

44 of 50 people found the following review helpful.
wrote this book in a way that I could understand it easily. General development and the parts about ruby were ...
By Taylor
As a beginner, this book has helped me out in many ways. I am very new to creating apps and I felt that the book is a smooth introduction to this field of work. Sam Key, the author, wrote this book in a way that I could understand it easily. General development and the parts about ruby were the most interesting sections to me. Now I am more comfortable in app development, no intimidation anymore.

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Sabtu, 20 Juni 2015

* Download PDF The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras, by Jules Verne

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The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras, by Jules Verne

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The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras, by Jules Verne

"The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras" (French: "Voyages et aventures du capitaine Hatteras") is an adventure novel by Jules Verne in two parts: "The English at the North Pole" (French: "Les Anglais au pôle nord") and "The desert of ice" (French: "Le Désert de glace").

The novel was published for the first time in 1864. The definitive version from 1866 was included into Voyages Extraordinaires series ("The Extraordinary Voyages"). Although it was the first book of the series it was labeled as number two. Three of Verne's books from 1863-65 ("Five Weeks in a Balloon", "Journey to the Center of the Earth", and "From the Earth to the Moon") were added into the series retroactively. Captain Hatteras shows many similarities with British explorer John Franklin.

  • Sales Rank: #2961789 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-02-08
  • Released on: 2015-02-08
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
A slow start
By Nils
All and all I enjoyed another of Jules Verne's novels, however I must say it was a slow start.
I almost stopped reading it as it was moving too slowly and wasn't making sense in the beginning.
I didn't understand the purpose of the voyage nor why all the secrecy but as the story unfolded
it became evident. Still though, for one to want to continue reading the author better establish a reason
why I should keep reading and develop some rapport with the characters. Otherwise if I don't bond with the characters,
why should I care?
Well, there was a turning point in the story when I just couldn't put the book down and I felt like I abandoned
the characters until I picked up the book again. Then I didn't want it to end and I am so glad I stuck with it through the beginning.

I don't want to give anything away, but as one reads Jules Verne's books, one will notice a running theme with his main character. Could this character be non other than Monsieur Verne himself?

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Beyond the Horizon
By yonder
"The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras", a very exciting adventure that keeps the reader on the edge of wonder every minute. The story starts with a construction of a sea vessel in England with a crew hired at very high wages. The destination is the North Pole. However, this sailing vessel is met by all kinds of weather and perils. The vessel is ice bound and finally set fire by a restless crew. After almost starvation, angry bears, and adverse weather the four members finally reach the North Pole which include three English men and one American.

This is a very interesting book and educational as well,the reader is present in the narrative every step of way.


1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A manly tale of adventure and exploration!
By AvidConsumer
If you like a good story of adventure (the old fashioned kind), when men were men then this is a story for you! Not to spoil any of the tale, but a bunch of sailors sign up for an unknown voyage under a mysterious captain - and only the bravest, hardiest, and determined will make it back alive.

I loved it and intend to read more Jules Verne.

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Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

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Getting Started with OpenBTS, by Michael Iedema

Deploy your own private mobile network with OpenBTS, the open source software project that converts between the GSM and UMTS wireless radio interface and open IP protocols. With this hands-on, step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to use OpenBTS to construct simple, flexible, and inexpensive mobile networks with software.

OpenBTS can distribute any internet connection as a mobile network across a large geographic region, and provide connectivity to remote devices in the Internet of Things. Ideal for telecom and software engineers new to this technology, this book helps you build a basic OpenBTS network with voice and SMS services and data capabilities. From there, you can create your own niche product or experimental feature.

  • Select hardware, and set up a base operating system for your project
  • Configure, troubleshoot, and use performance-tuning techniques
  • Expand to a true multinode mobile network complete with Mobility and Handover
  • Add general packet radio service (GPRS) data connectivity, ideal for IoT devices
  • Build applications on top of the OpenBTS NodeManager control and event APIs

  • Sales Rank: #1700490 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-02-08
  • Released on: 2015-01-29
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.19" h x .28" w x 7.00" l, .46 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 124 pages

About the Author

After first experimenting with VoIP in 2004, Michael Iedema worked on IMS proof-of-concept projects until 2007, when he founded the AskoziaPBX project, an easy-to-use telephony system now deployed in countries around the world. After moving on in 2011 to do VoIP related research and development for Ubiquiti Networks, Michael is currently a Senior Engineer at Range Networks, the creators of OpenBTS.

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Five Stars
Great book!

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Senin, 15 Juni 2015

@ PDF Ebook The Pattern On The Stone: The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work (Science Masters), by W. Daniel Hillis

PDF Ebook The Pattern On The Stone: The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work (Science Masters), by W. Daniel Hillis

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The Pattern On The Stone: The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work (Science Masters), by W. Daniel Hillis

The Pattern On The Stone: The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work (Science Masters), by W. Daniel Hillis

The Pattern On The Stone: The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work (Science Masters), by W. Daniel Hillis

PDF Ebook The Pattern On The Stone: The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work (Science Masters), by W. Daniel Hillis

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The Pattern On The Stone: The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work (Science Masters), by W. Daniel Hillis

Most people are baffled by how computers work and assume that they will never understand them. What they don’t realize—and what Daniel Hillis’s short book brilliantly demonstrates—is that computers’ seemingly complex operations can be broken down into a few simple parts that perform the same simple procedures over and over again. Computer wizard Hillis offers an easy-to-follow explanation of how data is processed that makes the operations of a computer seem as straightforward as those of a bicycle.Avoiding technobabble or discussions of advanced hardware, the lucid explanations and colorful anecdotes in The Pattern on the Stone go straight to the heart of what computers really do. Hillis proceeds from an outline of basic logic to clear descriptions of programming languages, algorithms, and memory. He then takes readers in simple steps up to the most exciting developments in computing today—quantum computing, parallel computing, neural networks, and self-organizing systems.Written clearly and succinctly by one of the world’s leading computer scientists, The Pattern on the Stone is an indispensable guide to understanding the workings of that most ubiquitous and important of machines: the computer.

  • Sales Rank: #97214 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-02-10
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.25" h x .48" w x 5.50" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 192 pages

Amazon.com Review
Daniel Hillis has made a career of puzzling over the nature of information and the mechanisms that put information to use. Now, he's distilled his accumulated knowledge of computer science into The Pattern on the Stone, a glorious book that reveals the nature of logical machines simply and elegantly.

Millions of times each second, to the drumbeat of a clock signal, electronic computers compare digital values. These comparisons, and the actions taken in response to them, are what computers are all about at their lowest levels, and, with the help of this book, they're not hard to comprehend. Moving on from the nature of logical circuits, the author deconstructs software and the mechanisms it employs to solve problems.

Hillis then stands atop the building blocks he's arranged into a sturdy foundation and discusses the future of computing. Parallel processors already are in use, and neural networks with limited abilities to learn and adapt have proved quite good at certain jobs. Hillis explores the potential of both these technologies. Then, he throws some light on quantum computing and evolving systems--emerging ideas that promise to make computers much more powerful, and thereby change the world. --David Wall

From Library Journal
Most introductions to computers either take the reader on a mathematical journey through the workings of computer architecture and Boolean logic or introduce them to a particular program or product. Hillis, an innovative computer engineer, tries a different approach by explaining the basic concepts of the computer in everyday language. Everyone has sorted socks and played tic-tac-toe. Hillis uses these simple examples and similar everyday experiences to explain the ideas that make computers work. He takes the reader step-by-step from computer logic to programming to memory and compression. The final two chapters show how computers are truly close to being thinking machines. Highly recommended for anyone studying computer science or electrical engineering, this book is also a good read for anyone who wants a better understanding of how computers work.?William Baer, Brigham Young Univ. Lib., Provo, UT
Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist
Hillis is prominent in the field of artificial intelligence. In this addition to Basic's Science Masters series, he takes the computer phobe by the hand and explains the underlying notions of computing, from the description of on and off switches to (possibly) self-organizing computer programs. Hillis concisely outlines how any computer functions. Whether built from Tinker Toys, hydraulic pipes, or silicon, a computer answers statements about Boolean logic, which Hillis illustrates with his description of a machine that plays tick-tack-toe. Constructing such a machine is just a wiring problem (or a plumbing job if water powers your computer); the next step is programming the thing. Giving a comprehensible example of simple computer language, Logos, Hillis conveys the guiding concept behind all computer languages, culminating with speculation on how a computer might eventually become intelligent. A delightful all-in-one introduction to computer science. Gilbert Taylor

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
An Inspiration for Worn-Out Computer Scientists
By Joseph Wetterling
Daniel Hillis has a unique view of technology that many have called "child-like". In his writing, there comes through not only a deep understanding of the subject, but also a genuine interest and excitment. And the best part? Its contagious.
I've been a computer science major for several years, and, after reading this book, I realized that I'd forgotten why I first chose this profession. This book reminded me about how much fun, how interesting, and how varied working (playing?) with technology can be. Thank you Mr. Hillis!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
The kernel
By Stewart Brand
The fundamentals of computing, in all their profound simplicity, have been overlaid by so much persoflage and technoflage that understanding is very difficult for newcomers. Also professionals who want to invent afresh from basics have a tough time finding those basics in reviewable form. Hillis fixes all that. This book could become one of the classics.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A great �behind the scenes� look at computers.
By Amazon Customer
Intriguing - describing how to build a computer from sticks - and wide ranging - from operating systems to quantum principles such as entanglement. I particularly like the analogies with evolution and it left me personally wondering whether some of the principles in the book could be applied to human systems such as team work and culture change. E.g. Restoring logic: why communications need to be amplified at each stage. Also provided are wonderful history lessons (the foundation of the words algorithm and abracadabra) in addition to the expected insights into heuristics, parallel processing, encryption and error detection.

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Minggu, 14 Juni 2015

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A General History of the Pyrates:, by Daniel Defoe

"[...]sometimes made use of. P. S. It will be necessary to add a Word or two to this Preface, in order to inform the Reader, that there are several material Additions made to this second Impression, which swelling the Book in Bulk, must of Consequence add a small Matter to its Price. The first Impression having been received with so much Success by the Publick, occasioned a very earnest[...]".

  • Published on: 2015-02-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .81" w x 6.00" l, .88 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 358 pages

About the Author
Daniel Defoe was the author of "Moll Flanders "and "Robinson Crusoe".

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Kira
This book is an amazing resource for information and details on the early lives of pirates. whatever you need to know about the unique life style of whats known to be the terror of the seas is in this book. :) I enjoy all of Daniel Defoe's work

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A classic!
By Tim D. Hendon
What can you say? The classic work on piracy in the early part of the eighteen century.
Whether it's Captain Johnson or Defoe doesn't matter. It seems all the other books on
piracy are just quoting this reference source.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent details and descriptions
By Lit Picker
This is a great reference of the pirating life. The descriptions of the men and women, as well as their ships and cargos is an enthralling read. It'll make you want to find a ship and crew yourself.

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